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Maverick Endorsed PWC Essentials
as featured in
Pro Rider Magazine
When you’re out on the water 20 miles off the west coast, the last thing you want is to have a battery issue. Weego offers you two options here; you can jump with battery clips or go with the option I like and have employed on all my PWC’s, the pig tail and battery pack combo. This option is terrific for PWC’s as the pig tail is connected to the positive and negative posts on your battery, so, if anything every fails with the battery, you can jump start the machine without ever having to take the seats off. If you have ever needed to take the seats off a PWC while on the water, then jump start the engine, it isn’t any fun believe me, get these pig tails and the matching battery pack for ultimate safety on the water.
When you’re on the water in your own back yard or on vacation touring, having a hand held VHF is essential. If you have a problem on the water, you need to be able to contact the authorities, mainly the Coast Guard or a policing department for that piece of water. Around here I use an ICOM product, the IC-M930, they are leading edge when it comes to technology and we have never had one fail on us. Compact and light in design, they also have a complete series of hand helds from basic to serious boater radios. They have saved my bacon on the water once when my older 2007 Sea-Doo’s voltage regulator failed and stranded me in the middle of a busy shipping lane.
Okuma Travel Rods:
On a PWC, space is everything, keeping compact is the name of the game. We have started working with Okuma for the last year now and the managers there understand the requirements of PWC fishermen. Okuma has paired Mavericks PWC fishing interests up with their product line and matched our requirements perfectly with their line of rods. The line of Nomad Travel Rods are a must have, gone are the days of running out 20 miles in the ocean chop with your rods smashing around in rod holders, these rods break down into three and four pieces and store away in the line of Maverick Saddle Catch bags. The Maverick bags are perfectly able to protect your reels from salt water corrosion and the rods from the beating waves can dish out on your gear.
Wet Sox:
I can happily say that this product line has made my life more enjoyable on the water. In the fall I generally always wear a Bare Shorty wet suit if not a full body wet suite, and having these socks on my feet help in getting those wet suites on and off, but also help keep my feet warm and dry. These sox ride high on your leg so there isn’t any water getting in the top and the extra layer keeps my feet toasty warm all season long. The Wet Sox come in multiple sizes and also a new camo pattern that fits our outdoor life style to a Tee. I will do a future review on the rest of their product line as we are so impressed with the Wet Sox product, stay tuned for that.
Star Brite:
Keeping your watercraft clean and well maintained is something that should be second nature, gear well taken care of lasts longer and operates better will in service. We recommend the Star Brite line of products as they are environmentally safe and work extremely well. Star Brite is an internationally recognized brand name and an industry leader in cleaning and maintenance products. We always use the Star Brite Sea Safe wash and wax with the Ultimate Xtreme Protectant. One very note worthy product is the Wash Mitt Micro Fibre Reggae, if you want your wash down to fly by, this is the wash mitt to have, great products from a great company.
Scotty #130-BK Safety Leash
Improved System for attaching our leash to your paddle, fishing rod or anything else you wish to secure
Simply wrap the strap around your paddle, thread it through itself, snap the Scotty hook onto it and...voila, you're done
The 6 foot self retracting leash will quickly and safely secure anything up to 1 1/2 inch in diameter
EGO S2 Slider Compact Landing Net - S2 Slider Compact Landing nets
The S2 Slider Compact landing nets feature the revolutionary slider handle extension technology, providing maximum reach with the shortest possible handle. The compact modular platform allows this net to store easily on kayaks and smaller boats with limited space while offering 36" of extended reach.
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